Welcome to the Wood County Green Party, 2025!
Thanks for checking out the Wood County Green Party! The Wood County Greens are the most active and rapidly growing Green Party in Ohio. We continue to fight for the Party's Key Values including Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice, and Non-Violence. Locally, that means fighting against Bowling Green's penalty on rooftop solar panels and lobbying for things like bike lanes.
We also act on the state and federal level. We recently sent a representative to speak at the Ohio Senate's hearing on SB2. That bill would declare nuclear, coal, and fracked gas as "clean" energy and opens state park lands up to even more fracking. It's a sign of the times that such a bill would even be considered, but we are in perilous times. Nationally, we sent a contingent to the People's March in Washington DC. Organized by the group Womens' March, we joined with a hundred thousand others in opposition to the Trump inauguration.
Since Trump's election, it's become clear that the Democrats are in no way able to slow the Republican rush to embrace fascism. When Democrats controlled the government and Republicans were in the minority, Dems claimed the Republicans blocked them from making any meaningful changes. But, changes like single payer health care, an end to fossil fuels, and a foriegn policy based on peace, not war are more urgently needed than ever. Many of Trump's actions are clearly insane. We Greens aren't afraid to call him out, and to keep speaking out in support of LGBTQ rights, social justice, and a hundred other issues.
We're asking that you join us in this struggle. We need candidates to run for local offices here in Wood County. We also need people to show up for City Council meetings and our other events.
Our next event is Saturday, March 8. We're going to be hosting a free screening of the movie "Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island" at 7 PM at the Unitarian Church on Dixie Highway.
Check out our blog for the latest updates,and click HERE to download a copy of the 2024 Voters' Guide.
Greens are down, but not out. It's clear that the need for our Party grows every day. Join us in creating a Green Future!
We will continue to be a voice for reason in Wood County, following the Green's Ten Key Values of Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Non-Violence, Social Justice, Feminism, Locally Based Economics, Personal and Global Responsibility, Decentralization, and Future Focus.
Also, also participate every other Sunday at a protest against the continued slaughter of innocent Palestineans. The protest runs 3 to 4:30 in the afternoon at the corner of Main and Wooster. The next protest is Feb. 23. Come and join us!
We meet the last Friday of each month at the home of Joe DeMare, Co-Chair, for pizza and planning. Contact him at joe.demare@woodcountyohgreenparty.org for details.
Help us make the Green Future a reality!

Wood County Ohio Green Party
Welcome to our webpage! The Green Party is the only Party dedicated to Ecological Wisdom, Non-Violence, Grassroots Democracy, and Social Justice! Help us as we work towards a Green future!

Why a Green Party?
It's clear neither Republicans nor Democrats are making the changes we all need to survive. We need Greens in office in Wood County if we hope to tackle problems like global warming, income inequality, and growing violence in our society.
Greens follow the Four Pillars of; Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice, and Non-Violence. That's how Green campaign, and that's how they'll govern when they're in office in Bowling Green. If you believe in these principles, join us and consider running for office!

Save Rooftop Solar!
In 2020, BG's Municipal Utility Board imposed a penalty on rooftop solar panels, cut the reimbursement rate for solar in half, and established other policies designed to block rooftop solar. This is the opposite of what is needed right now. We need to elect people who will encourage solar and wind and get us out of our 50 year contract with the Prairie State Coal Plant in Illinois!

Bike Lanes!
Enough excuses! In poll after poll, a vast majority of BG residents say that they want bike lanes. The City Council has been talking about bike lanes for over a decade. It's time to elect Greens who will actually make it happen. One thing most BG residents agree on is that the current system of "Sharrows" is a failure.

Come help us build the Green Future in Wood County! It's going to take hard work and a lot of people working together to create a real alternative to the two ordinary parties. We had over 20 volunteers for our booth at the Wood County Fair, last year. In 2023, we had many volunteers going door-to-door for Joe's campaign almost every night. One thing you can do is help us get the word out! Go to the Contact page to hook up!
Wood County Greens Go to DC!
In January of 2025, the Wood County Green Party sent a contingent to the Womens' March protest against the Inauguration of Donald Trump. It was a great trip. It's always energizing to be surrounded by tens of thousands of like minded people, united in their opposition to the Republicans' anti-environment, anti-human rights, anti-social justice agenda. We Greens were welcomed by protesters from all over the country as we marched together to the Lincoln Monument to hear speeches filled with anger and determination.
We all need to stick together to get through the dangerous times ahead. Immigrants are being rounded up, many of whom are here legally but are being swept up in ICE raids based on their skin color and occupation. Trump has banned all wind and solar development in the US. He has signed outright bans on offshore wind and solar and wind development on public lands. He has effected a comprehensive ban of all private development by instructing the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Army Corps of Engineers not to issue required environmental permits. He's also legalized bribery by cancelling the Foriegn Corrupt Practices Act. His list of terrible and illegal actions is incredibly long. But we Greens stand in opposition and we refuse to be silenced!!!