
Wins, Losses, and the Battle Ahead

Wins, Losses, and the Battle Ahead

Friday, December 16, 2022

Celebrating 2022 and Focusing on 2023

For a Party which has been kicked off the ballot by the two major Parties, the Wood County Greens had a great year. They say showing up is 9/10ths of everything. Well, the Wood County Greens showed up in a big way in 2022.

We had our usual presence at the Wood County Fair, telling people about our Party and it's Values while selling vegan cookies. We also had a surge of new members join the Party. A large cohort of BGSU students joined our Party this year, bringing welcome new blood.

Locally, we spoke before the City Council, defending LBGTQ rights, and in opposition to the City's anti-rooftop solar policies. On the day of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade, we organized a protest in downtown Bowling Green that brought out 100 people .

We started having monthly meetings, again. Pizza at Joe's house on the last Friday of each month. Those have been going very well.

But the biggest victory was speaking before the Senate subcommittee on energy in opposition to HB434. This bill would have created a nuclear "Authority" which would have had the power to force nuclear power plants and nuclear waste dumps on the people of Ohio without any oversight or input from citizens, the legislature, the courts, or even the Governor. Thanks in part to our testimony, it died in committee.

But 2023 promises to be even better! We still intend to run a candidate for Mayor of Bowling Green, and with our new members, continued support from our older members, and hopefully with your help, we can make Bowling Green a truly Green city!

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